Amusement park

Marvel together at Wunderland Kalkar. Discover numerous attractions for young and old. Find out about our opening times and check the park map to see what you would like to visit first.

Now in Wunderland Kalkar

Four magically
illuminated worlds

Experience a fascinating winter experience with the whole family.

More info & tickets

Now in Wunderland Kalkar


Themed area: Kernie's Dorf

We opened our new themed area just in time for the start of the 2024 season: Kernie's Dorf. 📮


Introduction: Kalkar's enchanting blogs

The first blog post from Wunderland Kalkar. ✨ Here you can discover our best-kept secrets and tips for the best activities in the park.

Book your visit to Wunderland Kalkar.

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Wunderlight Kalkar